In-Person Classes, Support to Resume. Virtual Options Available.
In-person Latch Clinics and in-person Childbirth Education Classes have resumed. We will continue offering our selection of online childbirth education classes, virtual OB tour, virtual meetings for the weekly Mother-Baby Support Group and virtual/phone appointments for 1-on-1 lactation support after hospital discharge. (See below for details.)
Group Support: For instructions on how to join the virtual Mother-Baby Support Group, please email
IMPORTANT NOTE: Pregnant women are high risk for developing severe COVID-19. Developing COVID-19 during pregnancy increases a woman’s chances of having poor pregnancy outcomes, including pre-term delivery (before 37 weeks) and pregnancy loss. Vaccination before / during pregnancy is the safest way to prevent COVID-19 in pregnancy. It is highly recommended by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Sarasota Memorial and First Physicians Group. Click here to get the facts on COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy.

Childbirth Education Program
Sarasota Memorial offers a comprehensive range of expert-led educational courses to prepare families for baby’s arrival and to support them after the birth. Our virtual and in-person courses provide interactive instruction for parents-to-be (and even grandparents), to ensure that the whole family is ready to welcome baby home.
¿Preferiría usted o un ser querido tomar una clase con un instructor que hable español? Consulte a continuación para obtener información sobre nuestras clases en línea que se ofrecen en español.
See list below for an overview of all classes offered:
Online Classes
- Prepared Childbirth
- Baby Care Basics
- Breastfeeding Basics
- Infant and Child Safety
- Fatherhood
In-person classes
- Prepared Childbirth
- Baby Bundle
- Infant CPR & Choking
Live Virtual
- Having Your Baby at SMH (OB Tour)
Delivering at Sarasota Memorial? Click here to watch a virtual tour for parents-to-be at the Sarasota Campus or Venice Campus, and be sure to register for our hour-long, livestreamed "Having Your Baby at SMH" virtual orientation class (see details below).
Click to see our calendar of upcoming childbirth education offerings and to sign-up. If you have any questions, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions or email
For moms who are scheduled or have delivered at Sarasota Memorial, HealthFit offers Moms in Motion, a free service available to prenatal and postnatal moms who want to maintain a healthy, strong and toned body.
Preparing for a New Baby: Pre-birth Courses
For our in-person educational sessions, you'll need to sign-up in advance. We recommend signing up for classes by your second trimester and finishing them 4 weeks prior to your due date.
Prepared Childbirth Education: Designed to help expectant mothers and their partner or support person prepare for the birth experience, this course covers such topics as how to know when you are in labor, techniques to facilitate a smooth delivery, pain-management options and post-birth care for mom. COST: $80 per couple + processing fee
Baby Bundle Class: This one-day class combines three classes into one! Baby Care Basics, Breastfeeding Basics and Infant CPR & Choking are now bundled into one learning experience for the ultimate in convenience and new-parent education. Check the calendar for upcoming dates. COST: $120 per couple + processing fee
Education for the Whole Family
CPR and Choking Rescue for Infants: This class is a must for all parents, grandparents and babysitters—whether you take it before baby arrives or after. Participants learn lifesaving infant CPR and choking first-aid skills, using the American Heart Association’s proven practice-while-watching technique. This provides participants with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible during the 1.5-hour class. Note: This is not a certification course. COST: $55 per couple + processing fee
Online Childbirth Education Classes
Online classes are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Arabic, Japanese and Chinese. Online class participants will choose their preferred language once registered and logged in.
Online "Having Your Baby at SMH," Virtual Orientation & Tour: Learn what to expect when delivering a baby at Sarasota Memorial, get answers to your birth questions, and view a virtual tour of the SMH-Sarasota Campus during this hour-long, livestreamed webinar. Click here to choose a date and register for the online class.
Online Prepared Childbirth Class: Our popular Prepared Childbirth Class is now offered online — in English and in Spanish — so busy parents-to-be can prepare for the birth experience whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for them. Online class participants will learn essential information about labor, comforting techniques for delivery, pain-management options, Cesarean birth and post-birth care for mom. The course includes birth-story videos and an opportunity to customize your own birth plan. The online materials take about five hours to complete, but participants can go at their own pace and will have access to the materials for six months, plus access to the bonus “Parents Toolbox” content for 18 months after purchase. To register for the English-version online class, go to our Online Prepared Childbirth Class Eventbrite Page. Once you’ve registered and paid, look for an email with course-login instructions. COST: $80 per couple + processing fee
Class Registration & Payment
For the courses that require it, you can sign-up and pay class fees by credit card online.
If you need to pay by check, please call 941-917-1700.
If you are participating in the Healthy Start Program, please contact your Care Coordinator.
Sarasota Memorial employees get 20% discount on all CBE classes; email (from your work email) for promo code.
In the event you need to cancel, full refunds will be made (minus a 10% processing fee), if the cancellation is received at least seven days prior to class start.
Note: We reserve the right to cancel classes at any time.
For more information, call 941-917-1700 or email
Online Baby Care Basics: Wondering how best care for your new baby? This program features real-life situations and videos on how to care for your new baby. Evidence-based topics included are newborn behaviors such as states of alertness, crying and comforting your newborn, bathing, nail care, diapering, infant sleep, newborn health and newborn safety. Parents often enjoy viewing the program before baby's birth and referring back after baby's birth. You will have access to the program for 6 months after purchase. To register for the online class, go to our Online Baby Care Basics Eventbrite Page. Once you've registered and paid, look for an email with course login instructions. COST: $50 + processing fee
Online Breastfeeding Basics: Filled with step-by-step instructions, videos and 3D animation, this evidence-based breastfeeding program includes: how breastfeeding works, getting the best start, breastfeeding positions and latching on, when to feed your baby, how to know that baby is getting enough milk and breastfeeding lifestyle. You will have access to the program for 6 months after puchase. To register, visit our Online Breastfeeding Basics Eventbrite Page. Once you've registered and paid, look for an email with course-login instructions. COST: $45 + processing fee
Online Understanding Infant and Child Safety eClass: Spanning from infancy to early childhood, this class teaches car safety essentials, safe baby care, childproofing tips, accident prevention in and outside the home, and how to be better prepared for an emergency. Interactive learning activities and instructive video clips help you learn about and apply essential safety guidelines. This class takes about 3 hours to complete. You will have access to the class for 9 months after purchase. To register, visit our Understanding Infant and Child Safety Eventbrite Page. Once you've registered and paid, look for an email with course-login instructions. COST: $40 + processing fee
Online Understanding Fatherhood eClass: This convenient, informative, and entertaining eClass was created for men (by men) to help them find their way on this unique journey of fatherhood. With a positive focus on the importance of being involved right from the start, you’ll learn how to support your partner through pregnancy and birth, as well as survival tips for those first few sleep-deprived months with a newborn. Integrated throughout the class are fun activities and video clips that share the relatable stories of real dads and advice from a fatherhood expert. This class takes about 3 hours to complete. You will have access to the class for 9 months after purchase. To register, visit our Understanding Fatherhood Eventbrite Page. Once you've registered and paid, look for an email with course-login instructions. COST: $40 + processing fee
New Parent Support
Breastfeeding Support and Latch Clinics: Need help with breastfeeding, or just affirmation that you’re on the right track? Join an international board-certified lactation consultant and other new moms at one of our free, weekly drop-in breastfeeding support and latch clinics. New moms will get 1-on-1 help and guidance. You can weigh your baby, see how much milk he/she is eating, ensure proper latch, get your nursing questions answered, or simply visit with other breastfeeding moms. No registration required for the Latch Clinics; however, space is limited to ensure proper physical distancing amid COVID-19 concerns. COST: Free
Sarasota Campus:
- Tuesdays: 2 - 3:30 pm, Windows Cafeteria (4th floor)
- Thursdays: 2 - 3:30 pm, Windows Cafeteria (4th floor)
Venice Campus:
Note: Classes start Monday, June 5th, 2023
- Mondays: 2 - 3:30 pm, Conference Room 1 (2nd floor)
Mother-Baby Support Group Meetings: Whether you’re a new mom or a veteran, the first year after baby’s arrival can be a rollercoaster. Join us either online or in-person for our weekly meetup to listen to others’ stories, learn new tips and connect with others on the mom journey. Meetings last an hour, but you're welcome to join or leave any time. Registration is not required. COST: Free
Tuesdays: 12:30 - 1:30 pm, HealthConnection (1st floor)
For instructions on how to join the virtual Mother-Baby Support Group, please email
Wednesdays: 1- 2 pm, via WebEx video conferencing platform