Sarasota County Public Hospital Board Names John de Jongh to Vacant At-Large Seat

Author: SMH Webmaster/Wednesday, January 20, 2016/Categories: Sarasota Memorial Health Care System News & Information

John de JonghSARASOTA, FL (Jan. 19, 2016)  – The Sarasota County Public Hospital Board appointed John H. de Jongh to the locally elected governing board’s At-Large Seat 1.

As an appointee, de Jongh will serve on the unpaid 9-member hospital board until the general election in November, filling a seat vacated today by Thomas Towler. Towler announced plans to step down late last year after serving the past eight years on the Hospital Board.

Born in the Netherlands, de Jongh became a U.S. citizen in 1963 and brings extensive leadership experience in the areas of purchasing and procurement, marketing, advertising and project management. He has held senior positions in corporate merchandising and product management for Montgomery Ward & Co, and during that time, also served as director of National Affairs and president of the National Association of Purchasing Management. He also was director of AAPA, an automotive trade association.

Later, he founded and served as CEO of Omni Associates, providing marketing consultation to businesses including Federal Express. In 1988, he was asked to join FedEx, where he spearheaded the development of strategic software design agreements and served in project management for proprietary software development programs.

After retiring from FedEx in 1999, he moved to Sarasota, where he has been an active supporter of the Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation Inc., the YMCA and Salvation Army.

As the Hospital Board welcomed de Jongh to the dais on Monday, they shared heartfelt hugs and retirement farewells with Towler. Hospital Board Chair Greg Carter recognized Towler for his many years of outstanding leadership and dedication to Sarasota Memorial and the Hospital Board. During his tenure, Towler provided invaluable counsel and expertise, serving as Board secretary, chairman of the Human Resources Committee and as a member of the Institutional Review Board. Previously, he served as a hospital volunteer, community member on the Board’s HR Committee and chair of the Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation Board of Trustees.

“I first came here as a volunteer in 1991 so this concludes 25 years of service with the hospital,” said Towler before stepping down. “As I go, I just want to say that I’ve met many wonderful people here and so enjoyed the opportunity to serve … it truly was an honor and privilege.” 


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